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Average Salt consumption still too high

A report published by Human Nutrition Research at the Medical Research Council has revealed that average salt consumption in the UK is still too high. The recommended salt intake is 6g per day but the average adult consumes 9.5g per day despite efforts by the food industry to reduce the salt content of foods.

The report also shows that only 15% of men and 31% of women manage to consume 6g or less of salt per day despite the fact that about a third of the population are hypertensive or on treatment for blood pressure.

The report estimates that achieving the 6g per day target would reduce the incidence of strokes by 13% and heart disease by 10%.

This report has quantified both the level of the problem of excessive salt consumption and detailed the continued efforts must be made to educate the general public in moderating their daily salt consumption.

Action: At every opportunity clinicians must recommended to all patients that they monitor and restrict their daily salt intake. This step will reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart disease.