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New advice on strontium ranelate

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued a press release noting that updated advice will be distributed to healthcare professionals regarding strontium ranelate (Protelos®) which is used to treat severe osteoporosis in post-menopausal women and men with a high risk of fracture.

A review was conducted by the European Medicines Agency recently because of study data which suggested an increased risk of heart problems. The review concluded there is no increased risk in individuals who have no history of heart or circulatory problems. However, in individuals who do have a history of heart or circulatory problems strontium is now only recommended if they are unable to take alternative medicines.

This advice will be disseminated to healthcare professionals via letter and will also be included in the March edition of the Drug Safety Update.

Action: Clinicians should be aware of this new advice. This change in advice would make a good topic for an audit.