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Prescribing Advice for GPs

An NHS Prescribing Advisers' Blog

Fluphenazine decanoate discontinued

The manufacturer of fluphenazine decanoate (Modecate®) injection has written to healthcare professionals advising that this product will be discontinued by the end of 2018.

The letter details unpredictable supplies of the active ingredient from the single global manufacturer as the reason for this decision. It is noted that this decision is not due to any safety concerns. Both injection strengths (25mg/ml and 100mg/ml) are being discontinued with manufacturing ceasing in mid-2018 with supplies in the United Kingdom expected to run out by the end of 2018.

Action: Clinicians should be aware of this product being discontinued. It would be prudent to run clinical system searches to identify any patients who are currently prescribed this product to allow a review and arrangements made to identify a suitable alternative.

Update: At the end of 2020 it seems that Modecate Concentrate 100mg/ml is still being manufactured and distributed in the UK.

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122 Comments to “Fluphenazine decanoate discontinued”

  1. I have been using fluphenazine injection monthly along with risperidone 2mg daily for a quiet long, like 15 yrs continuously. Now I am getting giddiness continuously. I suspected that there was something wrong with my ears and consulted ENT specialist, who said nothing wrong with my Ears. What can I do now? Please advise me as I am scared to stop the injection.

    Comment by Sarath — November 25, 2023 #

    1. @Sarath,

      You need to speak to a generalist doctor, like a GP. The ENT specialist has ruled out an ear problem but they are unlikely to have considered other possibilities outside their scope of practice. A generalist is in a better position to consider more alternative causes.

      Comment by Matthew Robinson — November 25, 2023 #

  2. We find that the best Fluphenazine is from India, the German fluphenazine is not strong enough.
    If no other medicines work, ask the TGA for Special access form for your doctor to get approval from the TGA.

    Comment by Maureen Murray — August 4, 2023 #

  3. Fluphenazine, an old drug, kept my husband sane from 20 yeaars old until Australia took it off of the market. In 2017, he's now 61 yrs old a paranoid schizophrenic, it's the only drug that kept him normal. He was still on Modecate it was then sourced from England and Italy, then Germany. Unfortunately the German version wasn't strong enough and led to psychosis, he was also on Zyprexa and Tofranil for depression. He was taken off of Zyprexa and is now on clozapine with his Modecate which is now coming from India. My husband has has 4 bouts of psychosis since 2017 trialling him on 6 different anti-psychosics which led to 4 attacks of severe psychosis. Admitted to hospital for 10 months in HDU hes had 20 electric brain shocks also.
    The TGA have continued to supply his life saving drug Fluphenazine.

    Comment by Maureen Murray — August 4, 2023 #

  4. Thank you Norma Monaghan. I am going to try and see if I could get this drug and send it to my brother. Sri Lanka is not having this medication. Ravi

    Comment by Ravi — May 25, 2022 #

  5. My brother is having trouble in getting this injection in Sri Lanka? Is there a substitute?

    Comment by Ravi — May 24, 2022 #

  6. Reading your messages has helped me a lot. I didn't realise how many others have suffered from the Modecate withdrawal, so cruel. It was the only medication that brought my daughter back to a near normal life. A joy for me her mother, and family, friends. Nothing else has worked, only at times Abilify, which stabilises, but is not long lastingly satisfactory. Thanks for the contact info - Germany, Hungary, etc. and for your comments - true, shame on Sanofi and the others, the sufferance they've caused us!

    Comment by Christine — May 23, 2022 #

  7. It was a help to me to read all your messages. In fact, Modecate has good results on schizophrenic patients. I have the experience of my daughter, a chronic case for more than 15 yrs and since 2005, age 25 then. She was first prescribed Modecate in 2015 for a 3 month period, a wonderful return to normal life, and Abilify to follow up. It was tried again in 2018 for nearly a year, excellent - then the bad news, discontinued in 2019, such a disappointment. Since then she's had relapse after relapse - other medication doesn't work. The availability contacts, Germany, etc. have helped and above all I don't feel alone. Thanks.

    Comment by Christine Ann Chisman — May 23, 2022 #

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